Blog Post #4
Hey, everyone! Welcome if you are new. As usual, I hope you all are having a great week, and if you aren't, you know by now that it's not too late to change it.
ELA Technology Standards
For this prompt, I selected the standard LAFS.5.SL.1.2 from the 5th grade document. This standard expects the student to be able to summarize information from text that is read aloud or other media that has a visual format. I feel very prepared to implement this standard, because one of the recommended technologies listed for this standard is YouTube, and I am very familiar with YouTube on both a creator's level as well as a consumer's level. I think that if I were to be teaching a 5th grade class, I could fulfill this standard with ease due to my previous experience with YouTube.
Since I already selected 5th grade to base this blog post on, I decided to just continue with this grade level. Therefore, from the CPALMS website, I selected 5th grade mathematics, which happens to be my favorite subject. My favorite resource that this website provides for 5th grade mathematics is the MFAS Formative Assessments resource. I think this would be very beneficial for me to use in my classroom to really gauge whether or not my students are retaining what I am teaching them. Furthermore, I think this resource would provide to perfect opportunity for the students to get comfortable with specific wording that may be used on standardized testing. I would be killing two birds with one stone: checking for understanding of the material and preparing them for standardized tests that may be administered throughout the school year. I love this website, and I am looking forward to using the resources they provide in my own classroom one day.
Internet Searching
As a teacher, being proficient with searching the internet is so important because more than likely every resource that you will use is located on the internet somewhere. In addition, you do not want to be searching for something for hours, so it is imperative that you know how to search the internet so you can find what you're looking for quickly and easily. The advanced search feature of Google is something that I will probably use a lot because it allows you to conduct such a narrow search for what you are looking for that it will be impossible not to find what you are looking for. I'm sure as I continue through school, the internet and technology will only continue to improve, so it will be interesting to see what it is like when I am actually a teacher.
Thank you for reading this far, and, again, I hope you all have a great week. Talk to you next week!
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